3V0-3V1 Triangle Drills in Grid

Tactical Problem: Moving into space to support ball carrier

Skill development:  Creation and effective use of support triangle

Teaching Points:

-always form triangle with ball carrier and teammates to provide 2 passing options*
-use hand as target and call for ball

-time the pass to meet the receiver at cone
-wait for triangle to form*

*note: Only essential teaching points will be mentioned before 3V0 drill and rest are added for 3V1 drill. 

Organizational Points:

3V0 Grid Drill
1)  each team of 3 use their half of the grid

3V1 Grid Drill:
-tell 1/4 of the groups to join a new group of 3 as a passive on-ball defender
-rotate defender
-as group progresses, defender becomes active

Simplifications- smaller square; beanbags
Extensions     - add fakes; add other types of passes (one-arm push pass, behind the back)

-basketball or beanbag
-active or passive defender 
-add a pivot